Friday, September 20, 2024


Jordan negotiates with ISIS to release seized pilot

The pilot - naked from the waist down - being  taken out of what appeared to be a lake.
The pilot – naked from the waist down – being taken out of what appeared to be a lake.

( On Sunday, American newspaper ‘The Christian Science Monitor’ revealed, that Jordan opened a channel of negotiations with the ISIS organization mediated by Iraqi Sunni tribes, Qatar and Turkey for the release of its kidnapped pilot.

The newspaper said in a report followed by, “The kidnapping of a Jordanian pilot—during his participation in the international air strikes against ISIS in Syria—by the terrorist organization, forced the officials to defend Jordan’s role in raids of international coalition led by the United States,” indicating that, “Jordanian authorities are still keeping silent about Maaz Kasasbeh, who his fighter jet was shot down during bombing ISIS strongholds in Al Rigga northern Syria.”

The newspaper quoted Jordanian government sources as saying, “The incident has involved the government and King Abdullah in a crisis. The Hashemite Kingdom is now trying to restore the pilot safely—and, on the other hand, it is seeking to justify its role in the raids against ISIS before the Jordanian public opinion, which is deeply divided.”

The newspaper indicated that  Oman has opened channels of negotiation with the kidnappers of the pilot through the mediation of Qatar and the Iraqi Sunni tribes, in addition to Turkey.


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