Saturday, September 28, 2024


URGENT: Turkish hospitals treat ISIS leaders, government media downplays as “Syrian opposition”

 URGENT: Turkish hospitals treat ISIS leaders, government media downplays as “Syrian opposition”

0J( On Thursday, Turkish media revealed that hospitals have received and paid to treat a growing number of ill and injured fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

The free media talked about the presence of senior ISIS leaders and fighters of the organization of the Islamic State, led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, seeking medical treatment in Turkey while official government media outlets downplayed the ongoing issue as news of hosting “Victims of the Syrian opposition.”

In the latest such cases, on Thursday, The Turkish official Anatolia news agency reported news about the arrival of “4 wounded Syrians, including a child, to the center Nazib , Gaziantep province, to receive treatment of being injured in the military operations carried out by the Syrian regular army.”

The Turkish newspaper Taraf said today that “eight of the most important leaders in the organization of the state, who were wounded during the American bombing this month, were transferred to the city of Urfa in southern Turkey and treated in a private hospital. The Turkish government has secured the transfer and paid the costs of their treatment fully.”