Friday, September 27, 2024


US will consider Iraqi request for help in Tikrit battle, says Pentagon

 US will consider Iraqi request for help in Tikrit battle, says Pentagon


( US Department of Defense (Pentagon) announced Tuesday, that the United States will consider any Iraqi request for help to restore the city of Tikrit from the ISIS group.

Reuters quoted Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren as saying that if Iraq formally requests US assistance, it surely will be taken into consideration.

Warren refused to reveal “whether Baghdad have already made such a request.”

According to Reuters, a senior diplomat from a Western international coalition member country confirmed on Tuesday, that Iraq was about to ask the coalition to conduct air strikes within the military operation to liberate Tikrit.

The American agency ‘Associated Press’ announced today the start of the international coalition forces surveillance flights on the city of Tikrit and sending intelligence to the Iraqi forces, stressing that the support was at the request of the Iraqi government.