Sunday, September 22, 2024


Meeting between central govt and Kurdistan ends without result, Kurdish delegation leaves for Erbil



( An informed source said on Sunday evening that the meeting held in Baghdad between the central government and the Kurdistan region had ended without result, pointing out that the Kurdish delegation had left for Erbil.

PM Haider al-Abadi’s office announced on Sunday that the delegations of the center government and Kurdistan had held a meeting under the chairmanship of Abadi and president of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani to discuss the recent oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil.

Barzani stated after the meeting that the current Iraqi government does not have sufficient funds to implement the oil agreement because of the effect of global oil prices drop on Iraq’s economy, indicating that Baghdad and Kurdistan are committed to it and there are no conflicts problem between the two parties.

Noteworthy, the Kurdish negotiating delegation, headed by Barzani, arrived on Sunday to Baghdad to meet with the central government officials to discuss the issue of oil exports and a number of other leading issues.


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