Monday, September 23, 2024


UK sends more military trainers to Iraq’s Kurdistan

UK sends more military trainers to Iraq\

Baghdad ( The British government has revealed that it is to send almost 60 moremilitary trainers to the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

One of the bomb squads will train Iraqi troops in Besmaya, while theother will be based in the Kurdistan Region, training Peshmerga todisarm improvised explosive devices (IED).

The UK has been shelling Islamic State (IS) positions as part of theinternational coalition, and has so far trained over 1,000 Kurdish andIraqi soldiers. The country has also committed to sending 1,000 Vallonhandheld mine detectors.

British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said, “This counter-IEDtraining will give Iraqi forces a vital capability in taking the fight toISIL (Islamic State). Along with our airstrikes, Britain is making amajor contribution to training Iraqi forces to help them defend theircountry. It will take time but the coalition airstrikes are having a directimpact in supporting Iraqi ground operations to retake areas and pushback ISIL.”

The UK has taken the lead in training local forces in defusing IEDs.