Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Maliki to be arrested in Lebanon after claims of his involvement in bombing in 1981

The Iraqi Vice President Nuri al-Maliki
The Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki

( A judicial source said, that a Lebanese lawyer filed a criminal complaint in the Discriminatory Public Prosecutor in Beirut, against First Deputy Iraqi President and former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who plans to visit Lebanon on Saturday.

The lawyer in his complaint requested to arrest al-Maliki on charges of participating in the bombing of Iraq’s embassy in Beirut in 1981.

The news agency ‘Anatolia’ quoted the source, who requested anonymity, “Today, before the Discriminatory Public Prosecutor in Beirut, the lawyer Tariq Handb filed a criminal complaint against al-Maliki, calling the Lebanese authorities to arrest him.”

The source explained that the complaint came after accusing al-Maliki of participating in the bombing of the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut in 1981, which led to 60 deaths. It also included a claim for his detention.

Last August, the families of the Iraqi victims demanded  the Lebanese authorities to investigate the incident.

In December 15, 1981, the Iraqi Embassy in Beirut was blown up by a suicide bomber that broke in, resulting in more than 60 deaths to and dozens wounded.