Friday, September 20, 2024


Gunmen in military uniforms steal 100 kg of gold in Baghdad

 Representational file photo

Representational file photo

( On Tuesday, a source from the Ministry of Interior announced, that gunmen in military uniforms stole more than 100 kg of gold from a jeweler at gunpoint in central Baghdad.

The source said in an interview for, “Yesterday evening, 3 gunmen—wearing military uniforms and riding a plateless Monica vehicle—stopped a goldsmith in his car, and stole his 3 bags of gold at gunpoint, on the Abu Nawas road in the central of Baghdad. Inside each bag are 98 bars of gold, each weighing 1 kg, in addition to jewelry weighing about 17 kg of gold.”

The source, who requested anonymity, said, “The gunmen fled to an unknown destination,” and noted that the security force rushed to surround the scene and opened an investigation to find the criminals behind the robbery.


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