Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: ISIS spokesman confirms Baghdadi’s injuries

ISIL confirms BaghdadiFollow-up ( An account affiliated for the spokesperson of the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, Abu Mohammed Al-Adnani, on Twitter showed a tweet that says “The leader of the ISIL Abu Bakr al-Baghdad has been injured,” without identifying the seriousness or timing of this injury.

Adnani said in his tweet “Do you think the State of Khilafa will end by the death of the Caliphate?”

He added “We assure for the State that the Amir Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is fine and we ask his followers to pray for God for his safety.”

Earlier, a security source reported to on Saturday that “The leader of the ISIL, al-Baghdadi, has been injured during a bombardment for the international airstrike in Qaem district within Anbar province.”

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