Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS confirms Baghdadi’s injury [11/10/2014]

ISIL confirms Baghdadi\
Baghdad ( An account affiliated with the spokesperson of the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, Abu Mohammed Al-Adnani, on Twitter showed a tweet that says “The leader of the ISIL Abu Bakr al-Baghdad has been injured,” without identifying the seriousness or timing of this injury.

Adnani’s account included a tweet “Do you think the State of Khilafa will end by the death of the Caliphate?”

He added “We assure for the State that the Amir Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is fine and we ask his followers to pray for God for his safety.”

Earlier, a security source reported on Saturday that “The leader of the ISIL, al-Baghdadi, has been injured during a bombardment for the international airstrike in Qaem district within Anbar province.”

A spokesman for US Central Command, which oversees American forces in the Middle East, could not confirm if Baghdadi was present at the time of Friday’s raid near the Iraqi city of Mosul, which he said had intentionally targeted the group’s leadership.

The strikes were a further sign of “the pressure we continue to place on the (ISIL) terrorist network,” spokesman Patrick Ryder said.the Iraqi Interior Ministry confirmed that the leader of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was injured, and a number of ISIS members were killed in air strikes carried out by the American lead international coalition.

The semi-official channel ‘Al-Iraqiya’ quoted the Interior Ministry “the international coalition launched a strike targeting a gathering of the terrorist organization ISIS that included Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It resulted in his injury.”

The ministry added, “The strike killed some other ISIS leaders.”

It was also announced by Al-Arabiya News that the ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was seriously injured and a number of senior ISIS leaders were killed by coalition airstrikes carried out today in the border city of Qaim, Iraq.

There have been conflicting reports in the last few hours regarding Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s fate after a raid by the international coalition resulted in the death and injury of dozens of ISIS elements and leaders, including Baghdadi’s personal assistance in Qaim district, western Anbar.

The air strike was one of two reports of attacks on ISIL commanders in Iraq.

On Saturday, US-led air strikes targeted another gathering of ISIL leaders near the al-Qaim border crossing between Iraq and Syria. ISIL has been changing its strategy since the air strikes began, switching to lower profile vehicles to avoid being targeted, according to residents of towns the group holds.

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