Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISIS can be defeated, Iran with nuclear bombs poses greater risk says Israeli PM

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

( On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he supports Obama’s campaign to fight ISIS and that the militant group can be defeated.

Netanyahu said, “The people of Israel are with you, we’re with the family, we’re with all the American people who understand the savagery that we’re all up against.”

“We support you in this battle. We support President Obama in leading this coalition. It has to be fought, ISIS, it has to be defeated and it can be defeated.”

He also stressed that Iran is a greater enemy than ISIS and to imagine how it would be if Iran had nuclear bombs, one only needs to look at what the ISIS militant do with guns and trucks.

He added, “When your enemies are fighting each other, the last thing you want to do is to strengthen one of them, over the other. We want both sides to lose. The last thing we want is for one of the sides to get nuclear weapons.”