Saturday, September 21, 2024


Large military force mobilizes near Albu-Ajeel east of Tikrit

 Large military force mobilizes near Albu-Ajeel east of Tikrit

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.


( A security source in Salahuddin province announced Sunday, that a large military force of the Diyala police, al-Hashd al-Sah’bi forces and fighters of the province has arrived near the village of Albu Ajil east of Tikrit in preparation for raiding it.

The source said in an interview for, “A military force of the Volunteer Fighters and fighters of Salahuddin province as well as the Diyala police arrived today to the village of Albu-Ajeel east of Tikrit in preparation for storming it.”

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added, “Another force of the Martyr Omaya Jabara Regiment, the Tigris Operations and al-Hash al-Sha’bi in still stationed in areas in al-Alam district in preparation for raiding it in the coming hours.”