Friday, September 20, 2024


Sites in Tikrit not reached by security forces since 2003 now under control, says Hashd al-Sha’bi leader

 Sites in Tikrit not reached by security forces since 2003 now under control, says Hashd al-Sha’bi leader

الحشد الشعبي يحرر مواقع بتكريت لم تصلها قوات الامن منذ 2003

( The leader of the Volunteer Forces (al-Hashd al-Sha’bi), Jabbar al-Mamori announced Sunday, that his elements, the security forces and tribal fighters have advanced about 20 km from the intersection of Zerga toward al-Alam district east of Tikrit, referring to the control over the ISIS sites that have not been reached by the security forces since 2003.

Al-Mamori said in an interview for, “The Volunteer Fighters and the security forces as well as the tribal fighters progressed approximately 20 km from the intersection of Zerga center toward al-Alam district east of Tikrit.”

Al-Mamori added, “We now control ISIS sites in the intersection of Zerga-Tel Sada northeast of Tikrit that have not been reached by the security forces since 2003,” noting that “These sites were under the control of al-Qaida and later ISIS.”