The world's longest-living male giant panda under human care, An An, has died at the age of 35, the Hong Kong zoo where he spent most...
Just a week after its first images were shown to the world, the James Webb Space Telescope may have found a galaxy that existed 13.5 billion years ago, a...
Hotter, longer, more frequent. Heatwaves such as the one currently roasting much of Europe, or the record-shattering hot spell endured by India and Pakistan in March, are an unmistakable
A gallery in Scotland said Thursday it was "thrilled" to announce the discovery of a previously unknown self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh, with his ear...
The cosmic cliffs of a stellar nursery and a quintet of galaxies bound in a celestial dance: NASA released the next wave of images from the James Webb Space
HBO's "Succession" topped this year's Emmy nominations, earning 25 nods on Tuesday, as "Squid Game" became the first non-English-language drama series shortlisted for glory
After unveiling the clearest view yet of the distant cosmos, the James Webb Space Telescope has...
When South Korean rapper Psy released "Gangnam Style" a decade ago, few anticipated the scale and speed of its success, and how it would help...
Baghdad ( – Iraqi film, ‘Our River…Our Sky’ (Kulshi Makoo in Arabic), will join the third edition of the Amman International Film Festival – Awel Film. The movie was
The discovery of panda fossils in China has helped researchers solve the mystery of how the giant species developed a "false thumb" and became the only dedicated...