Saturday, September 21, 2024


Booby-trapped mass grave containing remains of 110 Yazidis found in Sinjar

 Booby-trapped mass grave containing remains of 110 Yazidis found in Sinjar

Archival photo

Archival photo
Archival photo

( Erbil – Mayor of Sinjar District Mahma Khalil announced on Saturday the discovery of a bobby- trapped mass grave containing the remains of 110 Yazidis.

Khalil said in an interview for, “a new mass grave (containing the remains of 110 Yazidis) has been found in Sinjar district.”

Khelil added that “ISIS militants have booby-trapped the cemetery before their withdrawal from Sinjar,” asserting that “the number of mass graves that have been found during the past two weeks amounted to six graves.”

Noteworthy the Ministry of Martyrs in the Kurdistan region announced on Tuesday 24 November 2015 the start of search operations for mass graves in Sinjar.