Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iraqi Cabinet reiterates its call for Turkey to withdraw its troops from Iraq immediately

 Iraqi Cabinet reiterates its call for Turkey to withdraw its troops from Iraq immediately

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(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – On Tuesday the Iraqi Council of Ministers renewed its call for Turkey to withdraw its forces from Iraqi territory immediately.

The Council of Ministers’ Information Office said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com: “The Council of Ministers discussed during its regular session, which was held today and chaired by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a number of issues that were highlighted by our victories in the city of Ramadi and purging large parts of it, as well as the continuation of purging operations against terrorists and explosives.”

The statement pointed out, “The Council of Ministers also discussed the crisis with Turkey, and renewed its firm position on the necessity of a response from Turkey to the Iraqi demand for a complete withdrawal from Iraqi territory and respect for its national sovereignty.”

“The Council of Ministers reviewed the request sent from Iraq to the United Nations Security Council to hold a meeting to discuss the complaint for violating Iraqi sovereignty, and to order Turkey to withdraw immediately from Iraqi territory, and guarantee the non-recurrence of this violation,” the statement added.