Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Turkish troops need to withdraw immediately, says Abadi

 Turkish troops need to withdraw immediately, says Abadi

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( Baghdad – On Tuesday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi renewed his refusal to the entry of Turkish forces into Iraqi territory and called them to withdraw immediately, indicated that all advisors and trainers should obtain a “Visa” to enter Iraq, while pointed out to the existence of parties seeking to divide the country.

Abadi mentioned in a statement received by, “The key challenge facing the country, in addition to terrorism, is the global decline in oil prices,” adding that, “The war against terrorism costs us huge amounts of money.”

He added, “Reforms cannot take place in the presence of complexity and routine; and corrupted people are trying to keep these complexities because they are beneficiaries of them, but some refuse to facilitate procedures out of ignorance as they resist anything new and believe in the validity of previous procedures, but a distinction must be made between the two types,” noting that, “The government continues the reform [policy].”

Regarding Turkish forces in northern Iraq, al-Abadi renewed his refusal to the entry of Turkish forces into Iraqi territory and stressed the necessity of their immediate withdrawal,” stating that, “Turkey is a neighboring country and is obliged to respect the Iraqi sovereignty.”