Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS executes 5 British ‘spies,’ shows child in execution video

 ISIS executes 5 British ‘spies,’ shows child in execution video

ISIS purportedly shot dead five British spies in a new video. Picture: YouTubeSource:Supplied

ISIS purportedly shot dead five British spies in a new video. Picture: YouTube
ISIS purportedly executes five British spies in a new video. Picture: YouTube

( Baghdad – A new ISIS video released on social media channels shows a masked gunman murdering five Arabic men on accusations of being British spies. Speaking with a London accent, the terrorist has threatened the United Kingdom with further attacks and called Prime Minister David Cameron an “imbecile.” The video mocks the effects of RAF airstrikes and warns the West on waging a war against ISIS also known as ISIL and IS. In a horrifying twist, a four-year-old young boy speaking in a British accent is also filmed, threatening to kill all non-believers.

After delivering his rant in the sickening video lasting about ten minutes, the terrorist is seen shooting the victims at close range. This ISIS video is reminiscent of the terrorist codenamed Jihadi John, subsequently identified as 27-year-old Mohamed Emwazi of London. Responsible for several murders including that of Alan Henning, a British aid worker, Emwazi was killed last November in a coalition drone strike.

Five victims are paraded in front of the camera
Five victims are paraded in front of the camera

Even as MI5 agents work to uncover the identities of the terrorists and victims in the video, there is rising concern about the dawn of a new propaganda campaign following Britain’s decision to participate in coalition airstrikes on targets in Syria. A Foreign Office source has indicated that the ISIS video may be a ploy to deflect attention away from the poor conditions of citizens living in ISIS-controlled areas and the recent military failures they have endured.


In this ISIS video, the terrorist betrays his British roots not only with his accent but also by references to soldiers working for minimum wages. The video shows five Arabic male prisoners in orange jumpsuits apparently making confessions, with one of the men admitting to helping the coalition by relaying information about top-ranking ISIS leaders, such as the group’s deputy leader Abu Muslim al-Turkmani who was killed in a drone strike this past year.

The terrorist calls Mr. Cameron an imbecile and warns the West it is futile to wage a war against a land where Allah reigns and justice is provided under Sharia laws. Going on to address a larger audience, the terrorist then warns that one day Britain will be invaded and everyone will be forced to live under strict Sharia law. The terrorist threatens soldiers fighting under Cameron’s banner, telling them that their government will abandon them like the victims in the video. He calls the coalition fools to think they can defeat the Islamic State.


The video, filmed against a desert background, then goes on to reveal the five victims kneeling in front of masked gunmen in camouflage garb. Shouting Allahu Akbar, the Arabic phrase for God is Great, the terrorist then proceeds to open fire on the victim at his feet, shooting him point-blank in the back of the head. The man is seen slumping forward, before the other victims are shot dead in a similar chilling fashion.


A brief montage of ISIS slogans and music is followed by the shocking film of a young boy, approximately four years old and wearing a black ISIS headband and camouflage clothing. Speaking with a British-sounding accent, the youngster points to the horizon and vows to kill all non-Muslims. The chilling use of a young child in this ISIS video suggests a renewed determination by the group’s propaganda machinery to further traumatize and terrorize the West.
