Friday, September 20, 2024


Source: ISIS leader al-Baghdadi threatens to execute deserters from battles in Hawija, Sharqat

 Source: ISIS leader al-Baghdadi threatens to execute deserters from battles in Hawija, Sharqat

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh province said on Monday, that the ISIS militants executed 35 of its elements for fleeing from battles, while ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi issued an order to punish all deserters from the battles by execution.

The source reported for, “ISIS militants executed 35 ISIS elements on the back of their desertion from the battle fronts and passiveness in the tasks assigned to them,” noting that, “The execution took place in Ghazlani camp by firing squad.”

The source, who requested to remain anonymous, added, “ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi issued instructions to the states of Kirkuk, Salahuddin and Diyali of execution to any person that deserts from Hawija or Sharqat.”