Saturday, September 21, 2024


Suicide attacks kill Baghdadi Police Chief and 2 senior officers in Baghdadi area

 Suicide attacks kill Baghdadi Police Chief and 2 senior officers in Baghdadi area

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( Anbar – The Head of Baghdadi Council in Anbar Province announced on Wednesday the killing of Baghdadi area Police Chief, as well as two senior officers in suicide attacks targeting al-Baghdadi District (170 km west of Ramadi), while pointed out that the attacks resulted in the injury of 10 elements of the police and al-Hshed al-Shaabi fighters.

The Head of the Council Mal Allah al-Obeidi said,  “The suicide attacks on al-Baghdadi area have resulted in the killing of the Police Chief Bassim al-Hadithi, Captain Saeed al-Obeidi and Major Mashkour Hadithi, while injured ten policemen, including six elements of al-Hshed al-Shaabi.”

Obeidi added, “ISIS attack was foiled and its fighters were not able to control ​​al-Baghdadi area,”  pointing out that, “What was published in some media outlets about ISIS control of al-Baghdadi is completely untrue.”

Noteworthy, ISIS attacked the residential compound in al-Baghdadi with more than 12 car bombs driven by suicide bombers, killing and wounding dozens of members of the security forces and civilians, in addition to causing major damage to the residential compound.