Saturday, September 28, 2024


Barzani calls for referendum on independence of Iraqi Kurdistan

 Barzani calls for referendum on independence of Iraqi Kurdistan

President of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, Massoud Barzani

The head of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, Massoud Barzani
The Head of Kurdistan region in Iraq Massoud Barzani. File Photo.

( Baghdad – On Wednesday the Head of Iraqi Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani announced, that the time has come for the Kurds to hold a referendum on independence, despite the fact that the region is facing many crises.

Barzani said in a press statement obtained by, “The time has come and the conditions are now suitable for the people to make a decision through a referendum on their future,” pointing out that, “This referendum would not necessarily lead to an immediate declaration of independence, but rather to know the will and opinion of the people of Kurdistan about their future.”

The Kurdish Leader added, “The Kurdish political leadership should implement the will of the people at the right time and circumstances.”

Noteworthy, Barzani made similar calls in the past but did not specify when the vote would take place.