Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS releases new video featuring 10-years old child executing unarmed prisoner

 ISIS releases new video featuring 10-years old child executing unarmed prisoner

ISIS 10-years old boy beheads a hostage. File Photo.

ISIS 10-years old boy beheads a hostage. File Photo.
ISIS 10-years old boy beheads a hostage. File Photo.

( Baghdad – The so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) released a new video showing a young English-speaking boy beheading a hostage belonging to al-Jubha al-Shamiah (al-Shamiah Front) on charges of spying for the United States.

The boy – who looks to be aged around 10 or 11, said in the video, “Oh America, these are the soldiers you armed and you spent money on to fight the Sharia of Islam,” adding that, “We will destroy them as we destroy the Sahawat of Iraq.”

The boy warned the west and continued, “We will meet you on the hills of Dabiq,” in a reference to the city where ISIS believes a final battle will take place between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Some media outlets stated that the boy [because of his dark skin] could be the son of the British-Somalian ISIS fighter Abu Darda who was killed by a US airstrike in Aleppo in 2014.