Monday, September 30, 2024


Anbar Operations dismantle 300 IEDs east of Ramadi

 Anbar Operations dismantle 300 IEDs east of Ramadi

Improvised explosive devices cache. File photo.

Improvised explosive devices cache. Archival photo.
Improvised explosive devices. Archival photo.

( Anbar – The commander of Anbar Operations Ismail Mahalawi announced on Saturday the dismantling of 300 improvised explosive devices east of Ramadi.

Mahalawi said in a brief statement followed by, “The engineering security forces managed to dismantle 300 improvised explosive devices in al-Sijariya, al-Juwaiba, Husaibah and the main road between al-Khalidiya and Ramadi.”

Mahalawi added, “The engineering security forces continue to dismantle the IEDs and bombs emplaced by ISIS in houses and roads.”