Friday, September 27, 2024


ISIS issued Fatwa to execute anyone celebrating Valentine’s Day in Mosul

 ISIS issued Fatwa to execute anyone celebrating Valentine’s Day in Mosul

ISIS elements file photo.

ISIS elements file photo.
ISIS elements. Archival photo.

( Nineveh – Kurdistan Democratic Party announced on Sunday, that the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) issued a fatwa to execute anyone who celebrates “Love Feast” in the city of Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad), while decided to prevent wearing red clothes.

Media official in Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul Saeed Mamousini said in a breif statement, “The so-called al-Sharia Court in Mosul issued a fatwa to execute anyone who celebrates Valentine’s Day in the city because of the prohibition of these occasions.”

Mamousini added, “ISIS also decided to prevent wearing red clothes or any expression of this occasion in the areas controlled by them.”