Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi Judiciary sentenced 40 convicted to death over Speicher massacre

 Iraqi Judiciary sentenced 40 convicted to death over Speicher massacre

Iraqi authorities exhume a mass grave in Tikrit.

 Iraq exhumes 470 bodies from Speicher mass graves in Tikrit
Iraq exhumes 470 bodies from Speicher mass graves in Tikrit. Archival photo.

( Baghdad – On Thursday the Central Criminal Court in Baghdad sentenced 40 prisoners to death over massacre by Sunni jihadists and allied militants in Tikrit, while released seven other prisoners for lack of evidence.

Judiciary spokesman Abdul Sattar Birqadr said in a statement received by, “The central criminal court in Baghdad found 40 of 47 defendants guilty of involvement in the Speicher massacre,” noting that, “The court ordered the execution of 40 people convicted of involvement in the incident, while seven were released for lack of evidence.”

Birqadr added, “The sentences were handed down under Article Four of Iraq’s anti-terrorism law, which states that anyone who perpetrates, incites, plans, finances or assists acts of terrorism will be sentenced to death.”