Saturday, September 21, 2024


Anbar Operations announces liberating Hamediyah east of Ramadi

 Anbar Operations announces liberating Hamediyah east of Ramadi

Commander of Anbar Operations Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi. File photo.

Commander of Anbar Operations Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi. File photo.
Commander of Anbar Operations Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi. File photo.

( al-Anbar – On Friday, Anbar Operations Command announced the full liberation of the area of al-Hamediyah east of Ramadi, while pointed out to the killing of dozens of ISIS elements during the liberation operation.

Commander of Anbar Operations Maj. Gen. Ismail al-Mahalawi said in a press statement followed by, “The security forces managed to fully liberate the area of al-Hamediyah from the grip of ISIS and raise the Iraqi flag over one of its buildings,” pointing out that, “Dozens of ISIS elements were killed, in addition to destroying a number of vehicles belonging to them and the detonation of more than 100 explosive devices.”

“The [army’s] Tenth Division and clan fighters, with support from the international coalition and the army aviation, participated in the operation,” Mahalawi added.