Friday, September 20, 2024


22 ISIS elements killed, wounded in shelling in southern Kirkuk

 22 ISIS elements killed, wounded in shelling in southern Kirkuk

ISIS elements file photo.

ISIS elements file photo.
ISIS elements. Archival photo.

( Kirkuk – al-Hashed al-Shaabi forces announced on Saturday, that 22 elements of the so-called ISIS were either killed or wounded in a shelling targeted their gathering in southern Kirkuk (250 km north of Baghdad), while pointed out to the destruction of a vehicle belonging to ISIS.

Abbas brigade of al-Hashed al-Shaabi reported for, “This morning Abbas brigade’s artillery battalion bombed a gathering of ISIS guerrilla in Bashir village in southern Kirkuk, killing nine ISIS members and wounding 13 others.”

The statement added, “The shelling also resulted in the destruction of four-wheel vehicle belonging to ISIS.”

Noteworthy, Bashir village in Taza area (30 km south west of Kirkuk) was under the control of the ISIS since June 2014.