Saturday, September 21, 2024


Precautionary measures in preparation for new academic year

BAGHDAD / Education departments in different Iraqi provinces have started preparing for the new academic year; however the fear of the spread of the epidemic diseases among students is the biggest challenge in this year’s preparations. Despite the Health Ministry ’s assertion that it adopted all necessary measures and is in complete control over the situation, but the main fear is the spread of the Swine Flu. In Basra, the secretary of the education department , Bassem al-Katrani, told Iraqi News, “this state of fear from the spread of these diseases, mainly the Swine Flu, is normal as the academic year usually starts in autumn, during which these diseases become so active, as well as the absence of its vaccine.” “We are preparing for all possibilities in cooperation with the Basra health department and we have organized seminars for teachers and university staffs on these diseases and the way to curb them,” he said. “These fears will not prevent the resumption of the academic year,” he underlined. The new school year will start in Iraq on September 27, 2009. In Anbar, western Iraq , Anwar Ibrahim, from the Anbar education department, said that all school requirements have been supplied and several forums and courses have been organized for school teachers and principals to develop their skills,” he continued. He wished that what happened last year with the decline in the student’s performance and their degrees will not recur again this year. In Ninewa, northern Iraq , an official said that the education department had adopted all measures for the new academic year, pointing out that there is no fear of the spread of Swine Flu as there are health reports which assert there are no cases registered in the country. “The new students will be checked and school books have been distributed throughout the schools,” Dr. Bashar Ibrahim told Iraqi News. Regarding fears of the spread of Swine Flu in schools, the official said according to the Health Ministry there is no fear of its spread as there is no single case registered in the country yet. In Najaf, southwestern Iraq , the health department organized courses for the schools’ principals in Najaf health department to train them on the way to deal with Swine Flu. For his part, an official source from the health department reassured families and asserted there is no danger on the children from the Swine Flu in schools and universities. “The epidemic is under control after the health ministry adopted all precautionary measures to prevent its spread,” Sabah Abdallah Karkoukli said. SH (I)/SR 1