Monday, September 23, 2024


ISIS storms Real Madrid fan club, kills 16 wounds 25, in Balad north of Baghdad

 ISIS storms Real Madrid fan club, kills 16 wounds 25, in Balad north of Baghdad


Three gunmen stormed the club and opened fire at al-Furat Cafe in the town of Balad (80 km north of Baghdad).

( Salahuddin – ISIS militants have attacked a cafe in the town of Balad, yesterday, killing 16 people and wounding 25 others, including fans of the Spanish soccer club Real Madrid, an informed source said on Saturday.

Three gunmen stormed the club and opened fire with machine guns around midnight at al-Furat cafe in the predominately Shiite town of Balad (80 km north of Baghdad) where a group of fans of Spain’s Real Madrid soccer club were gathered in a meeting, according to police and media sources.

“The terrorists stormed into the cafe, armed with AK-47s, shooting randomly at everyone who was inside,” Ziad Subhan, Head of the Madrid supporters club, said in a statement.

ISIS, reportedly, claimed the attack had targeted militiamen and did not mention any connection to the club, but a statement issued by Real Madrid said 16 members of a supporters club had died in the attack,

“Real Madrid expresses its great sadness and offers the club’s regards and condolences to the families and friends of the victims,” the statement said.

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