Saturday, September 28, 2024


24 dead, wounded in Taji Gas Plant bombing north of Baghdad

 24 dead, wounded in Taji Gas Plant bombing north of Baghdad

Archival photo

Archival photo
Archival photo

( Baghdad – On Sunday, a source in the Iraqi Interior Ministry announced, that the final outcome of the attack, which targeted Taji Gas Plant, north of Baghdad, amounted to 24 dead and wounded, including members of the security forces.

The source said in a brief statement received by, “The final outcome of suicide attacks on Taji Gas Plant is three dead elements of the security forces and two staff members, in addition to wounding eight members of the security forces , five employees and six civilians.”

The source, who requested anonymity, added, “The wounded are being treated in hospitals in the capital, Baghdad, while the dead bodies were transferred to the forensic medicine department.”