Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdish parliament’s speaker urges Iran to stop shelling border regions

ARBIL / Speaker of the Kurdistan’s parliament Kamal Karkouki called on Iran to stop pounding border areas, the matter that pushed the region’s residents to leave their houses. “Karkouki received on Tuesday night (Aug. 25) a delegation of the Iranian consulate and discussed with them friendly relations between the region and Iran,” according to a statement of the Kurdish parliament received by Iraqi News. He called on the delegation to stop border shelling, which forced residents to leave their houses. The two sides stressed the importance of finding other ways to solve the problems. Iraqi border areas in the Kurdistan region, adjacent to Turkey and Iran, are coming under occasional Turkish air attacks and Iranian artillery shelling allegedly to strike the strongholds of the PKK and the PJAK (Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistanê in Kurdish or Kurdistan Free Life Party), both are against Turkey and Iran respectively. SH (P) 1