Monday, September 30, 2024


Anbar Council seeks $20 billion to repair ISIS destruction

 Anbar Council seeks $20 billion to repair ISIS destruction

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Anbar – Anbar Provincial Council announced on Wednesday, that the province needs about 20 billion US dollars for the reconstruction of the province, while pointed out that the ISIS attacks destructed nearly 80% of the province’s infrastructure.

Head of the reconstruction committee in Anbar Council, Arkan Khalaf, said in a press statement, a copy of which was received by Iraqi News, “More than 80% of the infrastructure in the province is destroyed due to the ISIS terrorist attacks,” pointing out that, “The province needs over 20 billion US dollars based on the preliminary estimates that we provided to the liberated areas reconstruction fund.”

Khaaf added, “ISIS used all means to target the infrastructure of the province.”