Friday, September 20, 2024


Joint forces advance towards Qayyarah Military Base

 Joint forces advance towards Qayyarah Military Base

Iraqi security forces. File photo.

Iraqi security forces. Archival photo.
Iraqi security forces. Archival photo.

( Salahuddin – The Ministry of Defense on Wednesday announced about liberating al-Sharqat intersection north of Salahuddin. It also informed about securing the road linking Baiji and al-Sharqat districts with Nineveh and that the security forces have advanced towards Qayyarah Military Base.

The ministry, in a statement issued to the media, said, “The troops of the army’s 9th brigade and the anti-terrorism forces successfully liberated al-Sharqat intersection and Telul al-Baj ares and have advanced towards al-Qayyarah Military Base.”

“Moreover, the road linking Baiji and al-Sharqat disricts with Nineveh has also been secured and this road will help in providing military supply in the coming military operations,” stated the stament, further adding, “The security forces have managed to liberate a number of villages in al-Sharqat and have also killed a large number of ISIS fighters.”