Monday, September 23, 2024


PM calls for wide-scale participation in election

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Prime Minister (PM) Nouri al-Maliki on Saturday called on all Iraqis to support the national unity government and to participate in the upcoming election, said a release issued by his office. “This came in a meeting between al-Maliki and number of Ninewa province’s chieftains and prominent figures at the premier’s office in Baghdad,” said the release received by Iraqi News. “Al-Maliki called on them to stand together to protect the country and its prosperity,” it said. During the meeting, the prime minister identified the challenges facing Iraq as the former regime’s operatives, gangs, and militias. “We should rely on national unity as the only means of ensuring safety,” the release quoted al-Maliki. The premier pointed out that some of his government’s projects have been curbed for political reasons. “They don’t want the projects to be counted for the national unity government to prevent al-Maliki from winning the election,” he said. MH (P)/SR 1