Sunday, September 22, 2024


First session of 1991 Kurdish uprising suppression trial in Sept.

DUHUK / The first session on the trial of former regime officials on charges of suppressing a Kurdish uprising in 1991 will be held on September 9, a lawyer for victims’ families in Duhuk revealed on Sunday. “The first session of trial of former regime officials, including Ali Hassan al-Majeed, will be held on September 9, when charges will be pressed against 27 defendants,” Haffal Wahab Rasheed told Iraqi News. In 1991, shortly after the first Gulf War, the Kurdish people in Arbil, Sulaimaniya and Duhuk staged an uprising against the former regime, coinciding with another one in the south, but the government forces of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein brutally suppressed them and wielded control over these areas. “The trial will revolve on the suppression of al-Intifada al-Shaabaniya (the Shaaban uprising) in the south and the Azar uprising by the Kurdish people in the north,” Rasheed said. He added that so far he has received 6,000 complaints from citizens in Duhuk over their loss of relatives in the uprising or over their financial losses, funds confiscation or house demolitions. AmR (P)/SR 2