Sunday, September 22, 2024


Security forces liberate 3 km of Khalidiya Island, 14 ISIS members killed

 Security forces liberate 3 km of Khalidiya Island, 14 ISIS members killed

The Iraqi security forces. File photo.

The security forces. Archival photo.
The security forces. Archival photo.

( Anbar – Khalidiya District Council in Anbar announced on Saturday liberating 3 km of Khalidiya island in eastern Ramadi from ISIS control; further informing about the death of 14 ISIS members who were killed by the forces during the operations.

The Head of Khalidiya District Council Ali Dawoud in a statement issued to the media said, “The security forces managed, at noon today, to liberate 3 km of Khalidiya island from ISIS control. The battles resulted in the killing of 14 ISIS members and the destruction of four booby-trapped vehicles, three mortar detachments and a rocket launcher.”

Dawoud added, “The security forces are advancing in the liberation battles of Khalidiya island from three sides- Kartan, al-Fahama and Albu Obeid. They are backed by the international coalition aviation and ground military troops.”