Saturday, September 21, 2024


PKK kills 40 Turkish soldiers, says HPG

 PKK kills 40 Turkish soldiers, says HPG

PKK guerrillas. File Photo

PKK guerrillas. File Photo
PKK guerrillas. File Photo

( Mardin- In a statement issued by People’s Defense Forces (HPG), an armed wing of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), it was mentioned that the organization has killed 40 Turkish soldiers in a raid on July 9 (Saturday) last.

The HPG press statement issued on Monday it was stated, “PKK guerrillas on Saturday, July 9, attacked a military station in Cewzat at Mardin- a southeastern Turkish province- and killed 40 Turkish soldiers.”

“The PKK soldiers, prior to engaging in a gun battle with the Turkish soldiers, also detonated a car bomb. Later, Turkish helicopters shifted the injured to nearby hospitals for medical attention,” added the statement.

It may be mentioned here that over a hundred soldiers- from both sides- have died since July 2015 after a two-year ceasefire ended between PKK and Turkey. The clashes have however left a number of civilians homeless.