Saturday, September 21, 2024


Qayyarah liberation will delink ISIS supply south of Mosul

 Qayyarah liberation will delink ISIS supply south of Mosul

The Commander of Nineveh Operations Major General Najim al-Jabouri.

The Commander of Nineveh Operations Major General Najim al-Jabouri.
Commander of Nineveh Operations Major General Najim al-Jabouri.

( NINEVEH– Commander of Nineveh Operations Major General Najim al-Jabouri stated that the liberation of al-Qayyarah south of Mosul will cut off ISIS supply to the city as the area is of utmost importance for it links Mosul, Kirkuk, Salahuddin and Erbil. Jabouri also urged the residents of the areas under ISIS control to support the security forces.

Major General Najim al-Jabouri in a press statement said, “The liberation of Qayyarah – ISIS most prominent stronghold – cuts off the only supply line for the organization south of Mosul,” adding, “The area links Mosul, Kirkuk, Salahuddin and Erbil, Controlling Qayyarah Military Base and Gahla village will force many foreign ISIS leaders to flee towards Sharqat and Hawija.”

Jabouri also urged the residents of the areas under ISIS control to remain indoors and support the security forces. He further confirmed that the forces from the Anti-Terrorism Directorate, Army’s 9th brigade, Army’s 15th brigade and al-Hashd al-Shaabi managed to liberate several strategic villages to the eastern and western banks of Tigris.