Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq exports new shipment of liquid gas

 Iraq exports new shipment of liquid gas

Representational photo.

Representational photo.
Representational photo.

( Basrah – The Ministry of Oil announced exporting new shipments of liquid gas and gas condensate to the tune of respectively 2000 tons and 21 thousand cubic meter from Umm Qasr Port southwest of Basra.

Undersecretary of gas industry Hamed Yunis said, “The ministry has exported a new shipment of gas condensate to the tune of 21000 cubic meters from Umm Qasr Port in Southern Iraq and another shipment of liquid gas to the tune of 2000 tons.”

“The exported quantity of liquid gas is a part of the total quantity of 10000 ton that will be exported from Basra Gas Company in July,” Yunis added”.