Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadr unhappy with Iraqi cabinet reshuffle

 Sadr unhappy with Iraqi cabinet reshuffle

The Iraqi Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. File photo.

The Iraqi Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. File photo.
The Iraqi Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. File photo.

( Baghdad – Commenting on the new cabinet reshuffle in Iraq, strong Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has expressed his dissatisfaction and said that he was unhappy with the reshuffle that was approved earlier this week, in which five new ministers were inducted into the Abadi cabinet.

In a statement, issued on Friday, al-Sadr called for a complete government overhaul and said that all the corrupt politicians must be judged in the court of law. He further accused Iraq’s political blocs of obstructing those reforms of which Prime Minister Abadi pledged to pursue over a year ago.

“The desire of all the political parties in the country to maintain their political gains makes it almost impossible to carry out the reforms called for by Al-Abadi,” the statement said quoting Sadr.

“Not a single politician appears to be ready to give up a few gains for the sake of the country or the people,” further noted Sadr.

Abdul-Aziz Al-Zalmi, an MP with Al-Ahrar parliamentary bloc affiliated to al-Sadr, said that the group is calling for ‘full change’ in the government.

It may be mentioned here that Iraqi government, during the last one year, has come under enormous public pressure and anti-government protesters stormed Baghdad’s highly fortified Green Zone once in April and for a second time in May.

Moreover, the country is battling an economic crisis as its military prepares to retake Mosul city from ISIS clutches.