Friday, September 20, 2024


French forces bomb ISIS in Raqqa

 French forces bomb ISIS in Raqqa

Destroyed areas in the Syrian city of Hasaka.

Destroyed areas in the Syrian city of Hasaka.
Destroyed areas in the Syrian city of Hasaka. File Photo

( Baghdad – French forces have bombed ISIS targets in the Syrian city of Raqqa, destroying a cache of weapons and a maintenance center, while Syrian rebels are preparing an attack to seize Jarablus city – on the Turkey border – from the ISIS.

Kurdish forces are also said to have launched a major offensive in Hasaka, in order to seize remaining government controlled areas. The Kurdish militia is at the heart of a US-led campaign against ISIS militants in Syria.

Thousands of people have fled Hasaka, where the Syrian army’s deployed warplanes against the Kurdish group for the first time.

Last week, the fighting in Hasaka claimed the lives of about 43 persons, including 27 civilians and 11 children.

The loss of the city would be a big blow to Damascus and Moscow, which is trying to help the government regain territory.