Friday, September 20, 2024


Danish company to investment in electricity, housing and industry in Diwaniyah

 Danish company to investment in electricity, housing and industry in Diwaniyah

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Representational photo.
Representational photo.

( Qādisiyyah – A Danish company has expressed its willingness to invest in electricity, housing, oil industries and security systems fields, while the government of Diwaniyah has expressed its readiness to support the investment companies and facilitate the needed procedures to boost the development in the province.

Mayor of Diwaniyah Sami al-Hasnawi said, “We discussed investment opportunities with a delegation from the Danish investment company Solenergi Danimark A/S, which is considered one of the biggest specialized company in the fields of electricity, housing, oil and mineral industries, security systems and electronic governance, in order to execute a number of investment projects to boost the development in the province.”

Hasnawi added, “The company expressed its willingness to execute a number of investment projects in the province, and the government of Diwaniyah has expressed its readiness to support the investment companies and facilitate the needed procedures to boost the development in the province.”