Friday, September 20, 2024


Some Arabs trying to change Iraq’s political map

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki accused “some Arabs” of interfering in Iraq’s internal affairs and seeking a change of the country’s political map, noting “the Arab stance towards Iraq is still coming short of the required level”. “The Arab position towards Iraq is still looking with a doubtful eye while others are standing idle on the pretext of so-called sectarianism,” Maliki said in an interview to the Lebanese newspaper Annahar. “After six years, the Arab role is still fragile and hesitant despite the clarity that is evident in the political process on a daily basis,” he said. Maliki’s statements come after a diplomatic wrangle with Syria when Baghdad accused Damascus of “harboring Baathist groups and standing behind the Bloody Wednesday blasts that targeted the Iraqi finance and foreign affairs ministries”. The crisis with Syria prompted Iraq to refer the issue to the United Nations and ask the international organization to investigate the bombing attacks that left dozens killed or wounded. The request was confirmed by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani during his recent address before the New York-based UN General Assembly meeting. “There are attempts to alter Iraq’s political map in the parliamentary elections scheduled to be held in January 2010, which is totally rejected,” Maliki said, deploring “attempts not to let Iraqis decide their own political future with their will”. The Iraqi premier also blamed the “Iraqi parties for they are responsible for a large part of these countries’ interferences”. AmR (S) 1