Saturday, September 21, 2024


Najaf preacher urges Syria to show more keenness on Iraq’s interests

NAJAF / A senior Najaf preacher on Friday urged Syria to show more keenness on the Iraqi people’s security, stability and interests and to preserve the friendly ties binding the two countries through response to Iraq’s demands to have “terrorists” extradited. “Syria has to maintain the fraternal relations between the two neighboring countries by avoiding to harbor any terrorist elements. Syria has no right to embrace elements that practice criminal acts against a friendly neighbor,” Imam Sadr al-Din al-Qabanji said during the congregational Friday prayers’ sermon. “Iraqis are supporting political and diplomatic solutions and do not want to seek the enmity of any Arab or foreign country,” he added. Qabanji appealed to the Syrian government to “go to the international courts and disprove what we are claiming,” in reference to the Iraqi government’s accusations that Syria was involved in the deadly Aug. 19 bombing attacks in Baghdad that left dozens dead and others wounded.   AmR (P) 1