Wednesday, September 25, 2024


US-led coalition launches heaviest air strikes pounding ISIS strongholds in Mosul’s outskirts

 US-led coalition launches heaviest air strikes pounding ISIS strongholds in Mosul’s outskirts

Syrian planes.

Representational photo.
Representational photo.

( Nineveh – Fighter jets of US-led coalition launched Saturday morning a series of air strikes which are considered the most violent in the past months targeting sites of ISIS terrorist group in the north eastern part of the city of Mosul.

Peshmerga officer Resan al-Mulla, in a press statement, said that fighter jets launched 13 air raids on sites controlled by ISIS militants in the areas of Bashiqa, al-Fadiliyah, al-Noran, Batnaya and al-Qosyat near the city of Mosul.

“The bombardment was very heavy as flames and billows of smoke intensively spiraled into the sky from the targeted sites,” Mulla explained.

In regards to casualties in the ranks of ISIS due to these raids, Mulla elaborated that there is no accurate information until now because the results of the air raids are shrouded in secrecy and also reliable sources in these areas are difficult to be reached.

Air strikes of the US-led coalition targeting sites controlled by ISIS are increased together with the countdown to begin the military campaign to retake the city of Mosul from the grip of ISIS.