Saturday, September 21, 2024


Guardian: Arab Israelis join ISIS and some of them returned to Tel Aviv

 Guardian: Arab Israelis join ISIS and some of them returned to Tel Aviv

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational photo.

( Baghdad – The Guardian newspaper stated on Wednesday, that a total of 50 Israeli citizens joined the Islamic State group in four years, while few of them returned to Israel to tell their story.

Among that returnees is Sabareen Zbeidt, aged 30, and her husband, Wissam, aged 42, who flew back to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv last month with their three children, after spending a whole year with the ISIS within the so-called Caliphate State.

Zbeidt and her husband were finally persuaded by their family to come home after Wissam being injured in the leg while fighting against Iraqi army.

The family were able to cross the borders with Turkey after nine failed attempts, with the help of smugglers who were get paid by the father of Sabreen.

The Guardian also revealed that Sabareen and Wissam both came from families that were Hebrew-speaking, professional and middle class, far removed from the world of the radical Islam espoused by the ISIS. Their decisions have come as a profound shock and source of shame to their families.