Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS evacuates casualties from Mosul hospitals

 ISIS evacuates casualties from Mosul hospitals

Mosul General Hospital. File photo.

Mosul General Hospital. File photo.
Mosul General Hospital. File photo.

( Mosul – The self-proclaimed Islamic State began Tuesday to evacuate its wounded militants from hospitals of Mosul, taking them to an unknown destination, local sources told Alsumaria news.

“Buses carried tens of wounded Daesh fighters overnight from hospitals to unknown destinations,” said the source who asked to remain anonymous. The source speculated that those destinations could either be inside Mosul or on the way of the Syrian city of Raqqa, a major IS stronghold.

The extremist, militant group also carried medical equipment along with its injured personnel, according to the source who said that the group was possibly seeking to set up field hospitals at its strongholds.

An Iraqi government security operation, codenamed “We Are Coming, Nineveh”, has entered its 16th day in a row to liberate the governorate from IS. On Monday, forces advanced to the left coast of Mosul on three axes, with IS coincidently ceasing to refer to Mosul as the capital of its proclaimed “Caliphate” and closing down its secret prisons and largest camps in Ghazlani.