Sunday, September 22, 2024


Zamili: Baghdadi calls for attacks on Turkey to cover-up Mosul incursion

 Zamili: Baghdadi calls for attacks on Turkey to cover-up Mosul incursion

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Security and Defense Hakim Zamili.

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Security and Defense Hakim Zamili.
The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Security and Defense Hakim Zamili.

( Baghdad – Islamic State’s supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s call upon supporters to launch attacks in Turkey is a cover-up for potential Turkish incursions in the city of Mosul, said Hakim al-Zamili, chairman of the Iraqi parliament’s security and defense committee.

Baghdadi’s call to attack Turkey in an audio message released late Wednesday is “a regional intelligence cover-up for Turks’ entrance to Mosul,” Zamili said in a press interview. “That incursion will be under the pretext of fighting terrorism before it extends to Turkish soil,” he argued.

Iraq and Turkey have been in tensions recently due to the deployment of Turkish troops at Bashiqa Camp, Nineveh. While Turkey says it trains locals to fight against the Islamic State, the government in Baghdad contends that the deployment occurred without its permission, labeling it a violation of international law.

In the voice message, Baghdadi urged his fighters to be resilient in face of Iraqi troops seeking to strip the militant group of its last Iraqi bastion in Mosul, and called upon his supporters to unleash their anger” on Turkish forces fighting them in Syria.

Meanwhile, Atheel al-Nujaifi, a former governor of Nineveh, and the commander of “Nineveh Guards” forces, said that while Baghdadi urges his fighters to stand still and fight back, buses have been carrying ISIS fighters families from Mosul to Syria.

“Baghdadi’s speech yesterday was that of a desperate mad man,” Nujaifi wrote on twitter.