Saturday, September 21, 2024


Turkman militia digs trench near Kirkuk to prevent ISIS sneak attacks

 Turkman militia digs trench near Kirkuk to prevent ISIS sneak attacks

Peshmerga and Turkman militia dig a trench near Kirkuk to prevent sneaking of ISIS members.

Peshmerga and Turkman militia dig a trench near Kirkuk to prevent sneaking of ISIS members.
Peshmerga and Turkman militia dig a trench near Kirkuk to prevent sneaking of ISIS members.

( Kirkuk – Leader at al-Hashd al-Turkmani, Abu reda al-Najjar announced digging a 6-km trench in southern Kirkuk, to prevent the sneaking of members of the Islamic State to the city, while pointed out to the participation of the Peshmerga forces in the digging of the security trench.

Najjar said in a press statement, “Peshmerga and al-Hashd al-Turkmani militia in the areas between Qasbet Bashir and Daquq district, dug a 6-km long trench to prevent the sneaking of members of the Islamic State to the area.”

“There is a security coordination between Peshmerga and the forces from al-Hashd al-Turkmani militia against their common enemy,” Najjar added.

ISIS attacked Kirkuk on the 21st of October 2016, and managed to capture several areas, before security forces foil the attack and retake the captured areas.