Saturday, September 21, 2024


Syria’s UN envoy renews terrorism-finance accusations against KSA, Qatar

 Syria’s UN envoy renews terrorism-finance accusations against KSA, Qatar

Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Ja’fari.

Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Ja'fari.
Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Ja’fari.

( Baghdad – Syria’s envoy to the United Nations has renewed his actuations of Suaid Arabia and Qatar of financing terrorism in Syria and Iraq.

Speaking to the Third Committee of the UN’s General Assembly, Bashar al-Ja’fari said “The Sauds and Al-Thanis involvement in, and sponsorship of, terrorism has become obvious for everybody, and that was confirmed by Wikileaks leaks, particularly what was admitted by US presidency runner Hillary Clinton and US Vice President Joe Biden.”

His statements came during a discussion of a draft resolution to the General Assembly submitted by the Saudi delegation which criticizes “the state of human rights in Syria”.

“Is the Saudi regime ready to apply the items included in the draft resolution presented against Syria in light of Saudi regime’s continued violations of the human rights in Saudi Arabia?,” Ja’fari wondered.

“Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Jordan had imported 60,000 SUVs for the favor of the criminal group,” Ja’fari claimed, quoting 2015 findings by Toyota which said that vehicles taken over by the Syrian army during battles in Iraq were imported by Saudi and Qatari companies.

Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies have adopted political stances conditioning the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for any solution for the five-year conflict in Syria.