Friday, September 20, 2024


Intelligence seize ISIS Mosul archives, group adopts stamped safeguard

 Intelligence seize ISIS Mosul archives, group adopts stamped safeguard

An ISIS combatant ID carrying the group’s seal.

An ISIS combatant ID carrying the group's seal.
An ISIS combatant’s ID carrying the group’s seal.

Nineveh ( Iraqi intelligence teams have seized the Islamic State’s notary archives south of Mosul as the extremist group continues to lose ground to advancing government and popular forces.

A security source told Alsumaria News Saturday that the registry was discovered at the Omar Kan village, south of Mosul. He said the data base included “computers, financial and agricultural registries, sale and rental contracts for farmlands taken over by the group and later rented out to its members for expensive rates under the name of the ‘agricultural and animal resources authority.”

The source added that the “information bank”, as he called it, also contains computerized information on the group’s financial dealings with other countries, labeling it “a real treasure.”

Iraqi government forces and popular volunteer militias have continued successful advancements to clear ISIS’s last stronghold in Iraq. While government forces said they began moving towards the eastern shore of the Tigris River, popular troops advance further to the strategic town of Tal Afar, a vital bastion for ISIS.

A local source in Nineveh told Alsumaria News that ISIS have also begun to impose tight measures as for the passing of militant between the eastern and western shores of the Tigris River. The source explained that the measures came after US-led coalition air forces recently destroyed the last of five bridges crossing over the river, which deeply confused the group as it meant a great threat to the sustainability of supplies passing to the combat front in the east.

“ISIS have begun to adopt a paper stamped with its red seal as a safeguard for members passing from the eastern to the western shore through boats made to offset the destruction of bridges,” said the source, who explained that the red seal gives exceptions for certain members as the group fears collective escapes by militants to the western side.